artistic expressions

This competition is designed to offer students with artistic
ability an opportunity to participate in a futuristic, high level thinking
program. Students, on their own, develop a piece of artwork that shows their vision of the future dealing with one of the global issues topics for the given school year. Our goal is to have the students focus on a portion of the problem solving process and have it depicted in 2D or 3D artwork.

The study and research required to investigate the topic are still required, but the format for presenting the creative problem solving process is a two or three-dimensional piece of artwork.  While students need to be trained in the FPS Six-Step Problem Solving Process, the intent is to reach students who prefer to express themselves with art instead of words. The preliminary round of competition will be judged through a picture/photo(s) of the art along with a 100 word description, after which, those that qualify for the State Competition round will be displayed on-site during the Friday Night Opening Fair and will be evaluated in-person.  Therefore, the artwork should be transportable. An example of where the original work would not be presented might be sidewalk/chalk art. In this case, a good photo, photo series, sculpture, painting, drawing, etc of the work is acceptable.

competition requirements

To participate in the competitive portion of the program, an artist follows these guidelines:

Each Art Piece must be:

  • 2D or 3D art that is transportable
  • Related to one of the given Global Issues topics for the school year
  • Created completely by the individual submitting the piece
  • Related to a portion of the six-step problem solving process.

One registration is required for each entry. An individual student may submit only one art piece in the competitive round. There is no limit to the number of student a coach may register.

NOTE: This competition is not able to qualify for the International Competition, however, students can receive awards at the State Level.



Creative Thinking

Futuristic Thinking

Non-Verbal Communication

Composition Skills